About One Foot

How? Why? Where? Now?

One foot would like to become a rehearsal studio and recording service for our local musicians, no more, no less, but, not being able to find affordable space, One foot will be an online independant record l abel, for now...

here is how, why and where we are today

I asked My uncle and a family friend if they wanted to open a recording and a rehearsal studio, affordable for local musicians, principles always guiding the project before opportunism, this was 2001, 15 years later, 2 partners down and no studio, well, in this capitalist free-market privatised world, I'm still one of the lucky ones.

I'm lucky because, from a young age I new I wanted to record and create music. Realising the inequality and sycophantic nature of the commercial music industry, the only ethical way to be involved in recording music would be to have my own studio, without the dirty money..., It's harder than it sounds, being from a priviliged background, family helped me with some funds, my Uncle was one partner and a friend (also musician) was the third but silent partner, unfortunately he didn't work out, I and Stu (uncle) carried on, I started gathering equipment bit by bit, we already had the equipment Stu had gathered over the years, equipment much of which, I saw for the first time when I was 8, I walked into Stu's home studio, in the basement, on the first day of our arrival in UK, he showed me around, told me about mics, 8track etc., I think in the back of my mind, I new that was when I decided I wanted to record music. In having stu as a partner it gave me a great deal of pleasure to share that experience together.

Though its just me at One Foot today, Stu and I did get a chance to sub-let a space in Bristol for 5 months or so, a great experience, it reinforced my views of the inequality and sycophancy of the commercial music industry.

I hope you will enjoy listening to music as much I enjoyed recording the music.

Love and Respect



How can we create a better society for everyone, instead of the perception of a fair society that in reality creates inequality?

I believe the only way is, by making sure the arts does not get away with normalising elitism and greed, without challenging the sycophantic culture the arts promote, there will never be a equal society that reflects the needs of all its citizens and residents.

The music industry is founded by multinational corporations that abuse their power, That is possible because people allow sycophancy to accept the elitism of the music industry, this is crazy and utterly ridicules, self respect is a very important element of gaining respect and equality. do not be fooled by the sugar daddy's that keep feeding the greed of the music industry. We need change.

One Foot would like to build a local small business, no different to any other local business, without the hype & sycophancy, we want to be part of our community, not hidden in VIP walls others can not access, elitism is frowned upon within banking industry & big business, why can't people see, Music Industry is no different.

I would not be able to justify a dream of becoming 'famous' or a millionaire when in Tory Britain in 2017, people need foodbanks, homelessness is rising, and selfish individualism is sold as aspiration, and greed is normalised as success. I shall aim to record, perform and promote music people can enjoy, without the need for elitism that has made the western world so unequal.

Our digital downloads will only be available at www.onefoot.co.uk, I do not agree with tax dodging corporations like Apple or the advertising industry, I would not want to be a hypocrite that exploits iTunes or other corporate outlets for selling music. the world wide web is an opportunity to have world without borders, Let's not allow corporations like Facebook, Amazon or Apple to carve Borders within it. One Foot site is my local record label store.

I thank you again, for reading these few thoughts of mine

Love n Respect
